Supporting the continuation of teaching STEM subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic through project-based online practices.
March 2021
The COVID-19 outbreak became a challenge on many different levels — education is one of them. That’s why we decided to start the BeReady project and focus on helping teachers and students get used to the new teaching and learning style. In other words — help them to BeReady for whatever distance learning is going to bring.
The pandemic forces schools into new modes of learning that are limiting and incomplete as teachers and students work at a distance. The necessity of quick development of high-quality educational content, teaching methodology adjustment, and meaningful use of a variety of digital tools is undeniable. What can we do to make this transition as smooth as possible?
The BeReady project builds a strategic partnership for Digital Education Readiness in the field of STEM education, aiming at supporting secondary school teachers of STEM subjects in continuing their teaching online. In achieving this goal, an online course that revolves around the online realization of STEM projects will be offered to the teachers, together with videos, presentations, simulations, and more.
What’s important, instead of simply providing ready-made resources, we’ll reveal the methodology upon which resources are designed. We want to engage the teachers in the BeReady course by inviting them to design their own STEM projects and resources and try them out online with their students.
We will keep you updated :)
The BeReady Team
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